Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Backup Types in Windows Server 2012

For the new version of windows such Windows Server 2012, you can perform the following types of backups:
Full backup: A full backup is All block- level copies of all the blocks Server capacity. Instead of copying files and Folder backup media, the bottom block opposite media backup copy.
Incremental backup: incremental only those who have a backup copy of the blocks since the last full backup or incremental changes Backup. During an incremental backup, these Block copy backup media.

When this process is completed, the block is marked as a backup. During recovery, Default block is restored. Then, each group margins are applied recovered Data back to the appropriate state, in a consistent manner.

Implementing Windows Backup

What Needs to be Backed Up?
In planning a full backup Organizations to ensure the protection of resources This is the key task, such as:
 Critical resources
 Backup verification
 Backup security
 Compliance and regulatory requirements

Overview of Disaster Recovery

Identifying Disaster Recovery Requirements
Before the development of disaster recovery Strategy, companies must identify their Disaster recovery needed to ensure they provide enough protection Key resources. Following is a list of high-level Steps you can use to identify the disaster Recovery requirements:
1. Define a valuable resource for the organization. These resources include the data, services, and Servers run on the data and services.
2. Identify the risks associated with Key resources. For example, the data may be intentionally or unintentionally deleted, and a hard disk drive or Data stored in the storage controller can fail. In addition, the use of critical data services may fail or many reasons (such as network problems), the server may fail due to hardware failure. Primary Power outages can also cause the entire site is closed.
3. Determine the execution time required for recovery. According to their business needs, the organization must decide how much time to recover critical resources acceptable. Scenes Vary from minutes to hours or even a day.
4. Develop recovery strategies. Based on the previous step, the organization will define a service Level agreement will include services such as service levels and time. Organization should develop a disaster recovery strategy, which will help them reduce risk, and at the same time, Restore its key resources within their business needs minimum acceptable time.

NLB Features in Windows Server 2012

The most significant change in NLB Functional Windows Server 2012 Inclusive of Windows PowerShell support. That NetworkLoadBalancingClusters module it contains 35 NLB associated cmdlet. This module When the available servers, NLB Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) It is installed. In Windows PowerShell
cmdlet has the following terms:
• NlbClusterNode. Use to manage a cluster node. Includes the Add, Get, Remove, Resume, Set, Start, Stop, and Suspend verbs.
• NlbClusterNodeDip. Use to configure the cluster node’s dedicated management IP. Includes the Add, Get, Remove, and Set verbs.
• NlbClusterPortRule. Use to manage port rules. Includes the Add, Disable, Enable, Get, Remove, and Set verbs.
• NlbClusterVip. Use to manage the NLB cluster’s virtual IP. Includes the Add, Get, Remove, and Set verbs.
NlbCluster. Use to manage the NLB cluster. Includes the Get, New, Remove, Resume, Set, Start, Stop, and Suspend verbs.
• NlbClusterDriverInfo. Provides information about the NLB cluster driver. Includes the Get verb.
• NlbClusterNodeNetworkInterface. Use to retrieve information about a cluster node’s network interface driver. Includes the Get verb.
• NlbClusterIpv6Address. Use to configure the cluster’s IPv6 address. Includes the New verb.
• NlbClusterPortRuleNodeHandlingPriority. Use to set priority on a per-port rule basis. Supports the Set verb.
• NlbClusterPortRuleNodeWeight. Use to set node weight on a per-port rule basis. Supports the Set verb.
Note:To view the Windows PowerShell cmdlets for NLB list, you can use get-command–
module NetworkLoadBalancingClusters command.

How Network Load Balancing Works

When you configure the application Use NLB, client applications with the address NLB cluster address rather than the address Participation NLB cluster nodes. That NLB cluster address is a virtual address NLB cluster shared between hosts.
NLB following guide traffic Info: All the NLB cluster hosts receive Incoming traffic, but only one node
Cluster, which is determined by the NLB Process, will accept the traffic. All other nodes NLB cluster will drop traffic.
NLB cluster nodes that relies on the communication and configuration port policy Related settings. With these settings, you can decide whether to use a specific port traffic, Are any specific node agreement accepted or acceptable in the cluster and response.
NLB also send traffic to use the node based on the current node. New traffic is directed to the node we use the least. For example, if you have a four-node cluster where three nodes are From 10 clients in response to a request, a node in response to a request from five clients, the node With fewer customers will get more incoming traffic, until evenly balanced usage across Node.

Implementing Network Load Balancing

What Is NLB?
NLB is a scalable, high availability Feature, you can install all versions In Windows Server 2012. Scalable technology is that you Additional components can be added (in this case additional cluster nodes), to meet the growing needs. A node in Windows Server 2012 NLB cluster is a computer, whether physical or Virtual, running on Windows Server 2012 operating system.
In Windows Server 2012 NLB cluster You Nodes between 2 and 32. When you create a NLB cluster, it creates a virtual network address, Virtual network adapter. Virtual network adapter has an IP address and a Media Access Control (MAC) Address. Network traffic to this address evenly distributed across the nodes in the cluster. In a major NLB configuration, each node in the NLB cluster will be in the service which is roughly equivalent to the required speed in all other nodes in the cluster. 
When the NLB cluster receives a request, it forwards the request to the current node using the least. You can configure the number of nodes N LB priority over others.
NLB failed perception. This means that if one node NLB clusters offline requests will be forwarded to the node, the other nodes in the cluster but will continue to receive Request. When the failed node returns to service incoming requests are redirected to transportation All cluster nodes to balance.

Options for Updating a Certificate Template

In most organizations CA hierarchy for each job, there is a certificate template Function. For example, there may be a File encryption and certificate templates another code signing. Additionally, there may be some cover most of the function modules General topic.

As an IT administrator, you might need modify an existing template certificate Due to incorrect settings or other problems the original template document. You can also you need to combine multiple existing certificate Template with a single template.
You can update a certificate template by either modifying the template or superseding the existing template.